Yes, this is an edge case. But if someone randomly asks you to interrogate a Virtual Manager (VMM) SQL Server Database, to determine which IP addresses have been allocated to which VMs, use a query like this:-

CAST( CAST( SUBSTRING( [Address], 1, 1) AS INTEGER) AS VARCHAR(3) ) + ‘.’
+ CAST( CAST( SUBSTRING( [Address], 2, 1) AS INTEGER) AS VARCHAR(3) ) + ‘.’
+ CAST( CAST( SUBSTRING( [Address], 3, 1) AS INTEGER) AS VARCHAR(3) ) + ‘.’
+ CAST( CAST( SUBSTRING( [Address], 4, 1) AS INTEGER) AS VARCHAR(3) ) AS ‘IP Address’,
FROM dbo.tbl_NetMan_AllocatedIPAddress
order by AssignedToObjectName

I was asked to do this today, and spent an entire afternoon figuring this stuff out and working out how to reverse engineer an IP address which is stored in a varbinary column.

I hope, I pray (and I am an atheist) that this blog post saves someone a bit of hassle and time one day.

One thought on “VMM SQL Database Query to find assigned IP Addresses

  1. Btw of course this is possible with Powershell, which will involve a similar kind of query but done in a Powershelly way. The purpose of this post is to help DBAs and Devs who need a quick and easy way to do this – it’d be a trivial enough task to Poweshellize this kind of query.

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